{ mfstapert; }


Date of birth: 18-09-1991

Residence: Deventer


2009: HAVO NT

2016: Bachelor Software engineering

2023: Certified Kubernetes Application Developer

Work experience:

Angular developer (Typescript/dotnet)

March 2024 - current: MyPoi

Key activities:

  • Helping the organization transition to container based deployments
  • Introduced E2E testing through playwright
  • Reworked architecture to reduce code footprint by ~40%


  • Angular
  • Nx
  • NgRx
  • OpenAPI
  • Playwright
  • Mock Service Worker
  • Docker

Software engineer (Typescript/Kotlin)

July 2020 - Februari 2024: Avisi

During my tenure at Avisi I worked on a multitude of project in various team compositions

The first project I did at Avisi was for notaries. It was a major refactor of an existing mission critical application, the goal was to decouple 2 intertwined applications. Also upgrading all existing technology and dependencies to current (company) standards.

My next project was for a customer in the telecom industry; we were brought on board to rewrite their existing administration application. We rewrote an existing microservice architecture to a module based back-end. Reasons being reduced complexity and accelerated development. The front-end was also refactored to accommodate a redesign and simplifications. All rewriting work was done while keeping all old functionality up and running and also adding new features.

The subsequent project was for a startup seeking to develop a questionnaire tool. This tool would allow companies to find an implementation partner for various software packages.

I finished my career working on a startup that aimed to reduce emissions for festivals.

Key activities:

  • Designed and implemented the refactoring of multiple mission-critical applications.
  • Performed design and planning for the rework of an existing front-end, transitioning it from an internal application to a customer-facing portal.
  • Introduced contract-first development.


  • Angular
  • React (NextJS)
  • Tailwind
  • Storybook
  • Spring boot
  • PostgreSQL
  • OpenAPI
  • Cucumber
  • Cypress
  • K8
  • Gitlab
  • Docker

Technical lead

Januari 2020 - July 2020: Topicus education

Setup and maintenance of a technical roadmap, prioritizing it with project leads.

Key activities:

  • Transforming technical goals into actionable work items
  • Prioritising technical goals with project leads

Full-stack developer (Typescript)

August 2018 - July 2020: Topicus education

Started development on a new system for teachers in primary education. The system is a piece of productivity software which connects to an existing administration application and a learning platform, it also has its own own back-end. The system allows teachers to make plans based on test results and or learning goals, gives insight into test results and allows maintenance of school groups. Challenges of the project were coupling with an existing legacy system and transforming very disparate data into useful information.

Key activities:

  • Development of a design system
  • Setup and maintainance of CI/CD pipelines
  • Introduced various technologies in stack to speed up development


  • Angular
  • NestJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • GraphQL
  • Rest
  • Redux (NGXS)
  • Cypress
  • Storybook
  • Docker
  • Various GCP technologies

Back-end developer (Java)

August 2017 - August 2018: Topicus finance

Worked on a debtor registration system. The system is applicable to multiple markets such as mortgages and invoicing.

Key activities:

  • Software development
  • Introduced E2E tests based on selenium


  • JEE
  • Hibernate
  • Liquibase
  • Oracle / PostgreSQL
  • Wicket
  • JBehave
  • Selenium
  • Maven
  • Jenkins

Developer (VB6, C#)

November 2016 – June 2017: DilemmaManager

Responsible for development and maintenance of a system that creates personality profiles based on questionnaires. Profiles are used for a wide array of uses, ranging from education, corporate (recruiting, coaching, team efficiency) and government.

Key activities:

  • Building corporate websites
  • Development and maintenance on a legacy system
  • Creating documentation and manuals for internal employees
  • Coaching of interns


  • ASP 3
  • JQuery

Intern (C#)

February 2016 - November 2016: DilemmaManager

Created a new module within an existing application tailored for recruiters. The module allowed recruiters to easily sort and filter applicants based on personality traits.


  • JQuery

Intern (PHP)

September 2014 - February 2015: Yourhosting

Continued development on a component based CMS that allowed designers to easily develop prototypes without prior development experience.


  • Processwire
  • MySQL